Active Bodies of the Order

The Grand Commandery of Adocentyn

Phoenix, Arizona, United States


The Commandery of Adocentyn is dedicated to the study and pursuit of the Mysteries of Knowledge and Regeneration. This Knowledge of the Self, as represented by the Fivefold House of Sacrifice, culminates in true Gnosis: Divine Knowledge through the knowledge of the Divine in Man. Those who strive to this Gnosis and who peradventure attain it experience the Regeneration. Their House becomes irradiated with the Light of the Eightfold Star – the endless interlace showing forth the eternal bond of Matter and Spirit – and they are reborn as Adepts, continuing the Great Work in a New Octave. The House is led by the current Grand Master of the Order, Derik Richards.

More information on the House as well as other Ogdoadic resources may be found on their local body website: Inquiries may be directed to

The Commandery of the Winged Serpent

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States


The Commandery of the Winged Serpent is an operative magical body, conducting traditional Aurum Solis studies and practices and encouraging serious research into the Ogdoadic Tradition of the Western Mysteries. The House was first established by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips in the early 1980’s in Minneapolis/St. Paul MN, as a Commandery of the Aurum Solis / O.S.V. The Winged Serpent was dormant from 1987 until it was re-established in 1999 by authority of Osborne Phillips. It is a vehicle of the Divine Alchemy, committed to the ideals of the Great Work and the manifestation of the potential and vitality of the Glorious Star of Regeneration. The Commandery of the Winged Serpent is led by William Stoltz the Grand Patriarch of the Order, and is located in Minneapolis, MN, USA.

The House of Topaz

New York City, New York, United States


The House of Topaz is an initiatory vehicle centered upon the Hermetic Gnosis. The aspirant develops a foundation of magical workings within a spiritual and philosophical background in order to achieve clarity of vision and understanding what the Great Work is, how it is communicated to those who want to know and how it is accomplished. True to the Way of Hermes, the initiate, along with enhanced practices then begins harmonizing the inner/microcosm with the outer/Macrocosm through the high Art of Planetary Workings so that: “the powers within me chant in harmony with Thy will.” Eventually through more advanced transformative Rites the adept’s Path aims to culminate in the noetic vision and finally in the mystical union with the Divine (unio mystica). Our term for this is the Palingenesis, the Regeneration.  The master of the House of Topaz has over 50 years of study and practice of the esoteric traditions of the world. 

Serious aspirants may contact this House through the Order website Contact Form.

The House of Athanaton Soma

Buenos Aires, Argentina


The House of Athanaton Soma has been established in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A committed group of initiates have gathered together and dedicated themselves to the transmission of the Hermetic Gnosis within Latin America. Inquiries in Spanish are welcome, but please note that curriculum materials are currently only available in English, so the ability to read and study English is essential.


Please direct initial inquiries to

The House of Agathodaimon



The House of Agathodaimon is committed to the ideals of the Ogdoadic Tradition and the pursuit of the completion of the Great Work. As a manifestation of the Ogdoadic tradition in Germany, it serves to contact and advise seekers on the path. The House is authorized to conduct initiations into the First and Second Halls. The House of Agathodaimon is the focal point of the Ordo Astrum Sophiae in Europe. Both through work in the temple and through exchange in conversation, the tradition is brought to life. The master of the house has studied the Western Mystery Tradition for more than 15 years. He has a background in clinical psychology with an emphasis on Carl Gustav Jung. He also has a hypnotherapeutic background. 



The Citadel of Nikotheos

Brasília, Brazil


The Citadel of Nikotheos is committed to celebrating and transmitting the Ogdoadic Mysteries, and promoting Theurgy and Inner Alchemy.

Being a branch of OAS in Brazil our goal is to be an accessible way for Portuguese speakers in South America to connect with the Ogdoadic Tradition.

The Director of the Citadel lives in Brasília – Federal District – and is both a practitioner of alchemy and ritual magic.

Inquiries may be directed to


The Citadel of the Golden Sun

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States


The Citadel of the Golden Sun is centered upon and committed to the ideals of Hermetic Gnosis, the Ogdoadic Tradition, and the pursuit of the completion of the Great Work. As a manifestation of the Ogdoadic Tradition in the Las Vegas Valley, it serves to bring together seekers on the path. Both through work in the temple and through exchange in conversation, we bring the Ogdoadic Hermetic Tradition to life. The Director of the Citadel has studied the Western Mystery Tradition for over 30 years and is an advanced Adept of several compatible systems. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Inquiries may be directed to and further information is available at

The Citadel of the Caduceus

London, England, United Kingdom


The Citadel of the Caduceus is a vehicle of the Ogdoadic tradition operating in London, England. Through the practice of group ritual, as well as individual meditative and magical work, the Citadel pursues the Mystery of Regeneration.

The Citadel of the Caduceus is now open to inquiries – and encourages the curious and interested in Britain to make contact. Initially, the Citadel will run in-person discussion and practice circles around the Ogdoadic tradition in London, and are happy to meet remotely with the seriously interested.

The Director of the Citadel of the Caduceus has been active in the Western Mystery Tradition for 20 years. The Ogdoadic tradition has long been the centre of his practice, but he also has a range of experience in other traditions, including other lines of ritual magic and initiatory witchcraft.  He occasionally writes about the tradition, and magic more widely, on Eightfold.


Seal of the Citadel of the Caduceus